Na mobilních zařízeních máme spoustu grafických editorů včetně několika od Adobe, bohužel ale ve značně ořezaných verzích. Bloomberg nyní informuje, že bychom se konečně mohli na tabletech iPad dočkat plnohodnotného editoru...
Vypadá to, že plány Adobe dostat jeho slavné grafické aplikace na iPad nejsou limitované jen na Photoshop. Agentura Bloomberg tento týden oznámila, že se intenzivně pracuje i na verzi Illustratoru pro tablet Applu.
První představení...
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on...
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on...
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on...
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on...
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on...
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on...
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on...
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on...
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on...
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on...
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on...
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on...
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on...
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on...
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on...
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on...
Adobe has released Photoshop for the iPad, after announcing last October that it would be bringing its popular professional photo-editing software to Apple’s tablets. Adobe said that it would be launching the app in 2019, and it has made good on...