V posledních letech se ve světě i u nás čím dál více rozmáhá takzvaná „body positivity,“ neboli přijímání vlastního těla bez ohledu na jeho tvar či velikost. Na to ale zvysoka kašle anglická televizní hvězdička a modelka...
Australská skajazzová skupina The Cat Empire přijede 25. října do České republiky podruhé. Na koncertě v Lucerna Music Baru zazní mimo jiné písně ze sedmého studiového alba Rising With The Sun, které vyšlo v březnu. Zpěvák a...
He admits that he couldn’t coach himself when he was at the height of his fame. Today’s Jaromir Jagr knows that he was blinded by the desire to succeed and that sometimes he pushed his opinions too much. In a candid and lengthy interview, he also...
In case you missed it, Tehran’s admission that it shot down that civilian Ukrainian plane triggered massive anti-regime protests, complete with fresh denunciations of the late Gen. Qassem Soleimani. Plus, Iran’s only female Olympic medalist just...
Stručná zpráva: Google přesune funkce ze služby Meet do aplikace Duo a Meet zruší. Následně Duo přejmenuje na Meet. Ano, je to zvláštní, ale na to vyznat se v komunikátorech Googlu zkrátka nikdy nestačila pouze jedna vysoká škola.
Welcome back to This Week in Apps, the Extra Crunch series that recaps the latest OS news, the applications they support and the money that flows through it all. The app industry is as hot as ever, with 194 billion downloads last year and more...
Welcome back to This Week in Apps, the Extra Crunch series that recaps the latest OS news, the applications they support and the money that flows through it all. The app industry is as hot as ever, with 194 billion downloads last year and more...
Welcome back to This Week in Apps, the Extra Crunch series that recaps the latest OS news, the applications they support and the money that flows through it all. The app industry is as hot as ever, with 194 billion downloads last year and more...
Welcome back to This Week in Apps, the Extra Crunch series that recaps the latest OS news, the applications they support and the money that flows through it all. The app industry is as hot as ever, with 194 billion downloads last year and more...
Welcome back to This Week in Apps, the Extra Crunch series that recaps the latest OS news, the applications they support and the money that flows through it all. The app industry is as hot as ever, with 194 billion downloads last year and more...
Welcome back to This Week in Apps, the Extra Crunch series that recaps the latest OS news, the applications they support and the money that flows through it all. The app industry is as hot as ever, with 194 billion downloads last year and more...
Welcome back to This Week in Apps, the Extra Crunch series that recaps the latest OS news, the applications they support and the money that flows through it all. The app industry is as hot as ever, with 194 billion downloads last year and more...
Welcome back to This Week in Apps, the Extra Crunch series that recaps the latest OS news, the applications they support and the money that flows through it all. The app industry is as hot as ever, with 194 billion downloads last year and more...
Welcome back to This Week in Apps, the Extra Crunch series that recaps the latest OS news, the applications they support and the money that flows through it all. The app industry is as hot as ever, with 194 billion downloads last year and more...
Welcome back to This Week in Apps, the Extra Crunch series that recaps the latest OS news, the applications they support and the money that flows through it all. The app industry is as hot as ever, with 194 billion downloads last year and more...
Welcome back to This Week in Apps, the Extra Crunch series that recaps the latest OS news, the applications they support and the money that flows through it all. The app industry is as hot as ever, with 194 billion downloads last year and more...
Welcome back to This Week in Apps, the Extra Crunch series that recaps the latest OS news, the applications they support and the money that flows through it all. The app industry is as hot as ever, with 194 billion downloads last year and more...
Welcome back to This Week in Apps, the Extra Crunch series that recaps the latest OS news, the applications they support and the money that flows through it all. The app industry is as hot as ever, with 194 billion downloads last year and more...
Welcome back to This Week in Apps, the Extra Crunch series that recaps the latest OS news, the applications they support and the money that flows through it all. The app industry is as hot as ever, with 194 billion downloads last year and more...