Sovereign Cloud od Amazon Web Services bude nezávislý na současných evropských regionech AWS, ale má nabídnout stejné funkce. Amazon chce získat státní sektor a regulované hráče.
[4 minuty čtení] Malý technický tým má podpořit pozici AWS vybudovanou zespoda a reagovat na investice Microsoftu v rámci Azure. Největší cloud světa Amazon Web Services (AWS) po letech pevného zakořeňování na českém trhu najal...
Největší cloud světa Amazon Web Services (AWS) pokračuje v budování české pobočky, kterou oficiálně rozjel během loňského roku. Na pozici manažerky pro veřejnou politiku a pravidla (public policy) v ČR a na Slovensku nově...
Největší cloud světa Amazon Web Services (AWS) představil novou generaci svých serverových čipů Graviton a Trainium. První z nich je klasický procesor postaveným na ARMu, druhý slouží jako akcelerátor pro výpočty kolem umělé...
Americká open source softwarová společnost Red Hat spadající pod IBM v loňském roce ve výzkumu a vývoji v České republice protočila 2,4 miliardy korun. Meziročně je to o 400 milionů více. Red Hat opět navýšil počet zaměstnanců,...
Čeští vývojáři her loni utržily 7,1 miliardy korun, což je meziročně skoro o dvě miliardy více (v roce 2020 se číslo dostalo na 5,3 miliardy). Zisk vyrostl o 14 procent na 2,08 miliardy korun. Více než 95 procent z tržeb činil...
AWS took a hard blow last year when it lost the $10 billion, decade-long JEDI cloud contract to rival Microsoft. Yet even without that mega deal for building out the nation’s Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure, the company remains fully in...
AWS took a hard blow last year when it lost the $10 billion, decade-long JEDI cloud contract to rival Microsoft. Yet even without that mega deal for building out the nation’s Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure, the company remains fully in...
AWS took a hard blow last year when it lost the $10 billion, decade-long JEDI cloud contract to rival Microsoft. Yet even without that mega deal for building out the nation’s Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure, the company remains fully in...
AWS took a hard blow last year when it lost the $10 billion, decade-long JEDI cloud contract to rival Microsoft. Yet even without that mega deal for building out the nation’s Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure, the company remains fully in...
AWS took a hard blow last year when it lost the $10 billion, decade-long JEDI cloud contract to rival Microsoft. Yet even without that mega deal for building out the nation’s Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure, the company remains fully in...
AWS took a hard blow last year when it lost the $10 billion, decade-long JEDI cloud contract to rival Microsoft. Yet even without that mega deal for building out the nation’s Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure, the company remains fully in...
AWS took a hard blow last year when it lost the $10 billion, decade-long JEDI cloud contract to rival Microsoft. Yet even without that mega deal for building out the nation’s Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure, the company remains fully in...
AWS took a hard blow last year when it lost the $10 billion, decade-long JEDI cloud contract to rival Microsoft. Yet even without that mega deal for building out the nation’s Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure, the company remains fully in...
AWS took a hard blow last year when it lost the $10 billion, decade-long JEDI cloud contract to rival Microsoft. Yet even without that mega deal for building out the nation’s Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure, the company remains fully in...
AWS took a hard blow last year when it lost the $10 billion, decade-long JEDI cloud contract to rival Microsoft. Yet even without that mega deal for building out the nation’s Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure, the company remains fully in...
AWS took a hard blow last year when it lost the $10 billion, decade-long JEDI cloud contract to rival Microsoft. Yet even without that mega deal for building out the nation’s Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure, the company remains fully in...