Hororová série The Dark Pictures Anthology se vrátila s druhým dílem Little Hope. Ten pojednává o stejnojmenném městečku, které je nejenom celé obklopené strašidelnou mlhou, ale také nepřekvapivě prokleté. Hráč se chopí skupiny...
V roce 1930 létá Antoine de Saint-Exupéry coby poštovní kurýr do Argentiny. Když kdesi v Andách zmizí jeho nejlepší kamarád vynikající pilot Henri Guillaumet, vydává se ho hledat. Snímek režiséra Pabla Agüera s názvem Saint...
Princ z Persie se do herního světa po letech vrací v úplně jiné podobě, než v jaké jste ho mohli znát v minulosti. Ubisoftu se podařilo vytvořit velmi dobrou metroidvanii, ale to, co dělalo prince princem, tady tak nějak chybí.
• Trump warns Iran: 'Do not kill your protesters'
• Rockets fired at Iraqi air base, injuring 4 officers
• Poll: Majority of US doesn't back Trump on Iran
Pokračování hororové hopsačky plné hlavolamů i plížení Little Nightmares II je tu, aby opět vyděsilo hráče. To se mu skutečně daří. Má vtahující a strašidelnou atmosféru a je plná děsivých výjevů, při nichž jsou...
Knižní novinky nabízejí tento týden současný román o muži středního věku, dva historické romány, unikátní vydání Malého Prince i příběh ze zvířecí říše určený nejen dětem.
A few buffet mistakes aside, NuraLoop were the biggest disappointment of my 2019 CES. When the headphones showed up at the show as dummy units, it hurt my heart a little. The original Nuraphones made an appearance on my 2017 best of the year list,...
A few buffet mistakes aside, NuraLoop were the biggest disappointment of my 2019 CES. When the headphones showed up at the show as dummy units, it hurt my heart a little. The original Nuraphones made an appearance on my 2017 best of the year list,...
A few buffet mistakes aside, NuraLoop were the biggest disappointment of my 2019 CES. When the headphones showed up at the show as dummy units, it hurt my heart a little. The original Nuraphones made an appearance on my 2017 best of the year list,...
A few buffet mistakes aside, NuraLoop were the biggest disappointment of my 2019 CES. When the headphones showed up at the show as dummy units, it hurt my heart a little. The original Nuraphones made an appearance on my 2017 best of the year list,...
A few buffet mistakes aside, NuraLoop were the biggest disappointment of my 2019 CES. When the headphones showed up at the show as dummy units, it hurt my heart a little. The original Nuraphones made an appearance on my 2017 best of the year list,...
A few buffet mistakes aside, NuraLoop were the biggest disappointment of my 2019 CES. When the headphones showed up at the show as dummy units, it hurt my heart a little. The original Nuraphones made an appearance on my 2017 best of the year list,...
A few buffet mistakes aside, NuraLoop were the biggest disappointment of my 2019 CES. When the headphones showed up at the show as dummy units, it hurt my heart a little. The original Nuraphones made an appearance on my 2017 best of the year list,...
A few buffet mistakes aside, NuraLoop were the biggest disappointment of my 2019 CES. When the headphones showed up at the show as dummy units, it hurt my heart a little. The original Nuraphones made an appearance on my 2017 best of the year list,...
A few buffet mistakes aside, NuraLoop were the biggest disappointment of my 2019 CES. When the headphones showed up at the show as dummy units, it hurt my heart a little. The original Nuraphones made an appearance on my 2017 best of the year list,...
A few buffet mistakes aside, NuraLoop were the biggest disappointment of my 2019 CES. When the headphones showed up at the show as dummy units, it hurt my heart a little. The original Nuraphones made an appearance on my 2017 best of the year list,...
A few buffet mistakes aside, NuraLoop were the biggest disappointment of my 2019 CES. When the headphones showed up at the show as dummy units, it hurt my heart a little. The original Nuraphones made an appearance on my 2017 best of the year list,...
A few buffet mistakes aside, NuraLoop were the biggest disappointment of my 2019 CES. When the headphones showed up at the show as dummy units, it hurt my heart a little. The original Nuraphones made an appearance on my 2017 best of the year list,...