CNN's Anna Coren gets an exclusive view of the fires raging in Australia, as firefighters use helicopters to battle the massive fires threatening the country.
Practice for the Australian Open was temporarily suspended Tuesday due to the poor air quality in Melbourne with smoke from fires in Eastern Victoria and New South Wales affecting most of Victoria.
Officials in Australia are air dropping thousands of pounds of foods like carrots and sweet potatoes from planes to help feed wildlife affected by the fires.
More than 1 billion birds, reptiles and mammals may have been killed by the fires sweeping across Australia, according to a new estimate from the University of Sydney. Chris Dickman, a University of Sydney professor from the science faculty, had to...
The first time I wore Carhartt was six years ago. I was making an early December trip to the “Frozen Tundra” of Lambeau Field to see the Green Bay Packers play and didn’t own a coat heavy enough to contend with the harsh elements. My mother dug...
The night sky over Snowflake, Ariz., glowed pink and purple due to ultra-violet lights from a nearby marijuana farm called Copperstate Farms, the Arizona Republic reported. The purple glow is visible for miles, the Navajo County Facebook post on...
Unique Czech tram travels around the city of Prague. It does not stop to pick-up people. It makes sure all the other trams ride as smooth as possible - by oiling the rails along its way. Tatra T3 tram number 5572 now has one more function: it...
„Česká republika se nemůže ukrýt, viníme vás z genocidy“, „Free Palestine“, „From the River to the Sea“ nebo „Izrael je teroristický stát“. Skupinka několika desítek propalestinských radikálů ukončila přednášku...
Největší německá spolková země Bavorsko bude napříště považovat anglickojazyčný slogan „From the river to the sea“ (Od řeky až k moři), často zaznívající na propalestinských demonstracích, za trestně stíhatelný symbol...
Podle Nejvyššího správního soudu (NSS) záleží používání hesla From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free (Od řeky k moři bude Palestina svobodná) na kontextu a samo o sobě nemůže být důvodem k zákazu shromáždění....
Have a look at a magazine stand and you’ll see a wall of liberal women. Elizabeth Warren smiles from the cover of Rolling Stone. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is on the front of New York. Last, but not least, Nancy Pelosi is resplendent on the cover of...
Použití hesla „From the River to the Sea/Palestine will be free“ může naplňovat znaky trestného činu. Ve středu se na tom shodli zástupci ministerstva vnitra, policie či Nejvyššího státního zastupitelství. Ti na středečním...
Používání hesla „From the river to the sea Palestine will be free“ (Od řeky k moři Palestina bude svobodná) může být za určitých okolností považováno za trestný čin, uvedlo ve středu ministerstvo vnitra. Policisté se proto...
Chino and Kat Vaflor were tying the knot at a venue 10 miles from the Taal Volcano in the Philippines when wedding photographer Randolf Evan captured dramatic shots of the couple with the ash plume seemingly overhead.
The most important night of the year for film is upon us. The 2020 Oscar nominations were announced on Jan. 13. The nominees include Brad Pitt, Laura Dern, and more.