Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen thanked the island's electorate Saturday for putting "democratic values into practice" after securing more than 57% of the vote.
Iowa registered voters are divided over whether the House of Representatives made the right move in impeaching President Donald Trump and a plurality say he should not be removed from office, according to a new CNN/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll.
Nobody at Liverpool dares talk about winning the Premier League. After 30 years without winning English football's top-flight title, there's a sense that careless words might jinx a potentially history-making season that -- so far -- has been almost...
American Democrats are rallying behind Vice President Kamala Harris after President Joe Biden withdrew from the presidential election on Sunday. A conversation with American journalist and analyst Alexander Kliment.
Re-elected Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is celebrating another victory, but the whole country remains divided by the election and in a bad economic situation. What can we expect from the president?
NEWARK, N.J. — The New Jersey Devils are starting to play their best hockey of the season and it cost the Tampa Bay Lightning their franchise-record tying 10-game winning streak. The improved play wasn’t enough to save the job of Devils general...
A.J. Hinch has some regrets. The World Series-winning Houston Astros manager was fired on Monday, shortly after it was announced MLB suspended him and GM Jeff Lunhow one season each for not stopping the illegal sign-stealing scandal that took place...
Průřez celou svou mega úspěšnou hudební kariérou dá po Praze okusit i Brnu. Kanadský zpěvák Bryan Adams (64) zavítá v neděli 13. října do Winning Group Areny.
Pátá a závěrečná kapitola filmového a knižního fenoménu After, na kterou čekají miliony fanoušků po celém světe, míří i do českých kin. A to pod názvem After: Odloučení. Poslední díl série si odbude premiéru už ve...
A top adviser to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said that Pyongyang will not engage in the type of talks seen last year, when Kim met with US President Donald Trump in Hanoi, despite the rapport the two leaders have developed.
Dvaadvacet let po oblíbeném animovaném filmu Legenda o Mulan přichází do kin hraná verze Mulan. After: Přiznání je pokračováním filmu After: Polibek. O tom, čím se krmily první české videopřehrávače, je dokument Králové videa...
Prezident El Salvadoru Nayib Bukele se opět postaral o pořádný rozruch. Oznámil totiž smělý plán, že na zelené louce vybuduje bitcoinové město. Chce také vydat digitální „bitcoinové dluhopisy“ za miliardu dolarů, které mu...