CNN's Jake Tapper says public officials deriding anyone who disagrees with President Trump's decision to kill Iranian general Qasem Soleimani are "defaming them as terrorist lovers."
CNN's Jake Tapper questions Secretary of Defense Mark Esper about President Trump saying the US had intelligence that Iran was planning to attack four US embassies.
Během loňského roku proběhlo 1 813 teroristických útoků , které si vyžádaly bezmála 16 tisíc obětí . Tvrdí to alespoň mapová aplikace 2016 Terrorist Attacks , která jako zdroj dat používá záznamy na Wikipedii. Mapa...
President Trump on Monday attacked Democrats and the media for continuing to question whether Iran’s top military commander had planned “imminent” attacks on US targets, following a report asserting that he had green-lighted killing the general...
Iowa registered voters are divided over whether the House of Representatives made the right move in impeaching President Donald Trump and a plurality say he should not be removed from office, according to a new CNN/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll.
The United States plans to stripped away its designation of China as a currency manipulator days before President Donald Trump and senior Chinese officials are expected to sign an initial trade deal. according to two people familiar with the matter.
Officials in Australia are air dropping thousands of pounds of foods like carrots and sweet potatoes from planes to help feed wildlife affected by the fires.
How ridiculous are fears about facial-recognition technology? Well, “advocates” from the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project are suing the MTA simply because the tech might be in use at the 42nd Street/Port Authority station. The MTA says...
What if politicians could only display Twitter replies from their supporters while stopping everyone else from adding their analysis to the conversation? That’s the risk of Twitter’s upcoming Conversation Participants tool it’s about to start...
What if politicians could only display Twitter replies from their supporters while stopping everyone else from adding their analysis to the conversation? That’s the risk of Twitter’s upcoming Conversation Participants tool it’s about to start...
What if politicians could only display Twitter replies from their supporters while stopping everyone else from adding their analysis to the conversation? That’s the risk of Twitter’s upcoming Conversation Participants tool it’s about to start...
What if politicians could only display Twitter replies from their supporters while stopping everyone else from adding their analysis to the conversation? That’s the risk of Twitter’s upcoming Conversation Participants tool it’s about to start...
What if politicians could only display Twitter replies from their supporters while stopping everyone else from adding their analysis to the conversation? That’s the risk of Twitter’s upcoming Conversation Participants tool it’s about to start...
What if politicians could only display Twitter replies from their supporters while stopping everyone else from adding their analysis to the conversation? That’s the risk of Twitter’s upcoming Conversation Participants tool it’s about to start...
What if politicians could only display Twitter replies from their supporters while stopping everyone else from adding their analysis to the conversation? That’s the risk of Twitter’s upcoming Conversation Participants tool it’s about to start...
What if politicians could only display Twitter replies from their supporters while stopping everyone else from adding their analysis to the conversation? That’s the risk of Twitter’s upcoming Conversation Participants tool it’s about to start...
What if politicians could only display Twitter replies from their supporters while stopping everyone else from adding their analysis to the conversation? That’s the risk of Twitter’s upcoming Conversation Participants tool it’s about to start...
What if politicians could only display Twitter replies from their supporters while stopping everyone else from adding their analysis to the conversation? That’s the risk of Twitter’s upcoming Conversation Participants tool it’s about to start...